
Showing posts with the label TV SHOWS

Rise of Empires Ottoman Netflix Season 1

  Episode Guide The New Sultan Through The Walls Into The Golden Horn Loose Lips Sink Ships Ancient Prophecies Ashes to Ashes Few people can call themselves true world conquerors but when it comes to Mehmed II, there’s a reason this man was known as Mehmed The Conqueror. Following the conquest of the iconic city of Constantinople, Rise Of Empires combines narration and expert analysis with dramatic reenactments that’ll be instantly recognisable to anyone who watched last year’s The Last Czars. With a lot more focus on warfare and strategic battle planning, Ottoman is a fascinating and educational series, one that takes a wise approach to showcase more action alongside the narration. Split across six episodes, the series begins with Mehmet taking the throne from his Father and desperate to prove himself and appease the people following a few rebellions in the empire. In order to do that, he sets his sights on the “Butterfly” city of Constantinople; a Roman-ruled gateway between Asia and

The Ambassador's Daughter

  Turkish series Sefirin Kizi is another masterpiece of Star TV which is getting much attention from Turkish drama fans. There is no doubt that fans of Engin Akyürek was desperately waiting for his upcoming TV series and he didn’t disappoint them and came with a fascinating series. Yes, in this review, we are going to share everything about Sefirin Kizi plot, cast etc. that our readers want to know about this series. Sefirin Kizi Plot The storyline of Sefirin Kizi revolves around two main characters ‘Nare’ and ‘Sancar’. Nare is the daughter of an ambassador and Sancar is a son of a sharecrop farmer. Both of them love each other since childhood and have a dream to marry each other. Finally, they marry each other, but on the wedding night, it comes into the knowledge of Sancar that Nare is a victim of rape. On the insist of Sancar, she tells that she has been harassed and raped at home by someone. After discussing the truth to Sancar, Nare decides to leave his life and disappears. On the

Cesur ve Güzel

  Romantic. Heart-wrenching. Passionate. Riveting. Cesur ve Güzel embodies those attributes and more. Like Kurt Seyit ve Sura, I was hooked from the first episode—the first scene, really. The explosive premise and outstanding acting in Kivanc Tatlitug's most recent Turkish television series had me (once again) staying up till 2 a.m. and blowing through one episode after another. With episodes clocking in at two hours and twenty minutes EACH, I did some serious binge watching. But I don't regret one minute of it. Kivanc Tatlitug's performance is amazing. His uncanny ability to project emotion through body language and facial expression is like looking through a window into his soul. I could feel what he was feeling—whether it was gut-wrenching pain as he mourned loss, or fuming rage as he confronted the man who destroyed his family. He's the best actor I've ever seen. Ok, now for the low-down—a synopsis, the show's stellar points, and the not-so-stellar points. S